Lawless Lawyer Episode 12 Recap

Lawless Lawyer Episode 12 Recap

Sang Pil (Lee Joon Gi) and Ha Jae Yi (Seo Ye Ji) lay exhausted on the mat. Jae Yi asks why he’s teaching her to fight on her own. Sang Pil doesn’t answer. Tae Gwang Soo (Kim Byung Hee) bursts in to inform them about Judge Cha’s press conference. They turn on the TV to see Judge Cha promise to accept the nomination for supreme court justice. The man who was sentenced to death throws a glass bottle at Judge Cha.

An O Joo (Choi Min Soo) watches the TV showing Judge Cha taken to the hospital. He wonders if she paid the man to create the incident. Yeon Hee’s mother / Judge Cha’s assistant calls O Joo and orders him to come to the hospital. He grouses he was coming anyway.

Sang Pil, Jae Yi and the rest of the team watch the news reports. Only Sang Pil believe that Judge Cha planned the event to garner sympathy. Gwang Soo starts looking for alternative angle footage to provide more insight.

At the hospital Judge Cha Moon Sook (Cha Moon Sook) orders O Joo to tell everyone she’s in a coma. She tells Yeon Hee’s mother who she wants to see at the hospital tomorrow morning. She sends O Joo away with a wave of her hand.

I do enjoy the interchanges between O Joo and Yeon Hee’s mother.

O Joo knows this is a critical time in his relationship with Judge Cha. He muses they both hide their true selves behind their masks.

O Joo slips on his mask as tells the press that Judge Cha is in a coma. He can’t believe this happened in “his” city.

The alternate footage proves Judge Cha knew that man would attack her. Sang Pil declares that Judge Cha’s plan to turn herself from villain to victim is working perfectly. Sang Pil ignores Jae Yi and tells Gwang Soo they need to investigate further. They split. She sighs.

Judge Cha tells the chief prosecutor she won’t press charges against her attacker. She decides to make a statement to the press.

With the sobbing attacker next to her, Judge Cha declares she can understand a parent’s loss of reason as the result of her verdict. She forgives the man. The crowd applauds as she hugs the man. Sang Pil asks Judge Cha if she allowed the attack to happen to eliminate the scrutiny about the photo from 18 years ago. Judge Cha glares at Sang Pil and declares that photo was fabricated as previously stated. She leaves. Jae Yi tells Sang Pil his supposition is correct. Sang Pil tells Jae Yi to head home. He leaves.

She feels his cold shoulder.

Jae Yi watches her father’s support of Judge Cha on TV. She sighs when she thinks about Sang Pil pulling away from her. Geum Gang’s sister shares a bite and advises that her father will found out the truth about Judge Cha soon enough and to give Sang Pil space. She tells Sang Pil they are a darling couple.

Sang Pil struggles with Jae Yi’s mother’s request to leave her daughter alone. He knows Jae Yi digs him as much as he digs her. Sang Pil shocks Gwang Soo with the news that Jae Yi’s mother is alive. He warns him to say nothing until Jae Yi’s mother agrees.

Sang Pil meets with Jae Yi’s mother and agrees to her request that he break up with Jae Yi. She’s pleased. But she doesn’t recognize the notebook of information Sang Pil was sent. He can’t believe it. He was sure Jae Yi’s mother was the silent supporter.

Sang Pil, you are an idiot for agreeing to break up. When you break up with Jae Yi I’ll repeat this opinion.

Jae Yi is pleased that her strategy has erased the negativity.

Things go her way too often for my taste.

O Joo is livid when he learns the Golden City development is on hold. Then he learns Judge Cha isn’t backing the development anymore. He storms out of his office.

Judge Cha and the lawyer aren’t sympathetic to O Joo’s anger. Judge Cha says the Golden City was put on hold because it might become a problem later. O Joo points out he promised voters the development would happen. Judge Cha and the lawyer can’t help but chuckle. O Joo didn’t get elected on his merit, they helped put him there. O Joo sees that his lawyer is really Judge Cha’s lawyer. The lawyer slaps O Joo’s face and tells him he’s serves the one with the power and that isn’t O Joo anymore. O Joo tells Judge Cha that she only used him to get control of his company. She doesn’t deny it. O Joo declares he’s no longer her loyal servant. He promises he’s going to look out for himself from now on.

The scales fell from O Joo’s eyes. What will he do?

When O Joo’s assistant asks him for a favor, O Joo loses it and works him over. He yells that he’s the one in charge. He stops short of beating him with a brick. He warns his assistant he won’t get another chance.

Gwang Soo and Sang Pil wonder who gave him the notebook. When Geum Gang and the rest of the gang arrive for work, Sang Pil declares its time for payback for his uncle’s murder. He declares O Joo’s assistant must pay. And this time, they won’t play by the rules, blood will be spilled.

Sang Pil and Gwang Soo arrive at a bar where they find O Joo’s assistant drowning his sorrows. Sang Pil tells him his day won’t be getting any better. Geum Gang et all arrive and take O Joo’s assistant with them.

They hang a blindfolded O Joo’s assistant by the hands in a warehouse. Sang Pil promises today he’ll suffer just like his uncle did.

O Joo wonders where his assistant is.

O Joo’s assistant says he only followed O Joo’s orders. He swears he has evidence that O Joo ordered his uncle murdered. Sang Pil pretends O Joo’s assistant will fall to his death. But he only falls one story. Sang Pil warns him that O Joo won’t be as kind. Sang Pil and his men stride away with the assistant’s phone and smiles on their faces.

Sang Pil practiced restraint, did O Joo’s assistant deserve it?

Yeon Hee’s mother is not happy to learn her investment in Golden City is on hold. She demands to know what O Joo plans to do about it. He asks if she’ll help him. She promises that as long as he can get her money back, she’ll do anything.

Sang Pil arrives at O Joo’s office. He tells Yeon Hee’s mother that she’s well known for being Judge Cha’s dog. She doesn’t like the description. Sang Pil finds it fascinating that they are together. Sang Pil promises O Joo that tomorrow he’ll get a special present. He promises to tell Judge Cha about their relationship. O Joo aims a pistol at Sang Pil. He walks straight to O Joo’s gun. O Joo pulls the trigger but there isn’t any bullet. Sang Pil makes a gun with his hand and pretends to pull the trigger. He swaggers away.

Bold move, Sang Pil, bold move.

Sang Pil returns to the office to find a gleeful Gwang Soo and Geum Gang. They show him the video of O Joo ordering his uncle dealt with from O Joo’s assistant’s phone. He tells Gwang Soo before he sends the video to the prosecutor, to post it for the public to see. Sang Pil tells him they must determine who gave him the notebook before they try O Joo in a court of law.

O Joo has his former assistant search for his assistant. He’s shocked to see the video of him ordering Sang Pil’s uncle’s murder online and reported on the news.

Jae Yi arrives at work not happy with Sang Pil taking steps without keeping her in the loop. She says they need to talk.

At the beach, Jae Yi demands to know why he’s acting distant and why he’s not sharing all. Sang Pil says there are things he can’t share with her right now. She strides away.

The chief prosecutor meets with Judge Cha and her lawyer. Judge Cha order him to bury O Joo in court. She gives him evidence of campaign finance fraud. He’s not sorry to get the assignment.

Livid that Sang Pil posted the video, he demands that his assistant be found…now.

Jae Yi’s mother calls her for lunch (Jae Yi doesn’t know this is her mother). Jae Yi agrees.

The lunch goes well until Jae Yi unknowingly eats fried shrimp. She has an allergic reaction. Her mother realizes what has happened and orders an ambulance. Jae Yi asks how she knows that she’s allergic to shrimp. Yeon Hee’s mother calls. Jae Yi’s mother runs out to answer the call. Jae Yi realizes the woman is her mother. She calls her. Her mother apologizes for leaving. Jae Yi says only her mother knows she’s allergic to shrimp. Her mother hangs up. Both women cry. Jae Yi is determined to find where her mother went.

Jae Yi’s mother texts Sang Pil that she’s at Judge Cha’s house. He leaves the office. Gwang Soo and Geum Gang wonder where he’s going and why he didn’t tell them.

Jae Yi’s mother slips a white powder in Judge Cha’s tea. She notices and won’t drink it. She spins and reveals she knows who her masseuse is.  Judge Cha yells that she should have stayed away. She calls for Yeon Hee’s mother who drags her out of the room. Judge Cha falls to the ground.

Judge Cha flops more than most soccer players.

Jae Yi searches for where her mother is staying.

Sang Pil searches Jae Yi’s mother room. He recalls telling her that Judge Cha probably knew her identity. But Jae Yi’s mother refused to back down, insisting that she help nail Judge Cha.

Jae Yi is shocked when she finds Sang Pil staring at her family photo. She asks if he knows her mother is alive. Tears fill her eyes and she demands to know why he hid the truth from her. She rushes out room. She calls her mother but gets no answer. Sang Pil grabs her wrist. Jae Yi says her mother’s phone has been off for a period of time. She’s worried something has happened.

Jae Yi goes to Judge Cha and demands to know where her mother is. Judge Cha scoffs that family only makes you weak. She calls security. Sang Pil arrives and tells the guards to unhand her. Judge Cha tells the guards to back off. Sang Pil drags Jae Yi out of the judge’s chambers.

Jae Yi demands to know if Sang Pil is using her mother for his revenge. Sang Pil says she’s too upset to hear the truth. Jae Yi declares that Sang Pil has been driven by revenge. He stalked her with revenge in mind. He returned to town with revenge in mind. With tears in her eyes, Jae Yi declares she can no longer trust him.

She asked him the right question.

Yeon Hee’s mother meets O Joo with the news that the Chief Prosecutor is taking his campaign cash as payback. O Joo counters that he needs her support. He warns her Sang Pil has something special planned for her.

These two are a bright spot in this series.

Gwang Soo tells Sang Pil they can’t find Jae Yi’s mother.

Jae Yi searches the streets for her mother. The panic rises.

Prosecutor Chun arrives at Sang Pil’s office with the news O Joo will be investigated for murder soon. He puts the evidence of campaign finance fraud on the table and asks if Sang Pil provided it. Sang Pil eyes widen at the documentation. He realizes Judge Cha is going after O Joo.

Judge Cha enters the empty courtroom.

Sang Pil and Gwang Soo stare at the wall of evidence. He tells Gwang Soo that Judge Cha is going after O Joo.

Judge Cha recalls sending the notebook of information to Sang Pil.

Sang Pil says Judge Cha supplied the notebook of information so he could eliminate her enemies for her.

The chief prosecutor tells Judge Cha that O Joo will be finished with all the evidence against him. She smiles.

Sang Pil says that Judge Cha used his revenge to her advantage. Gwang Soo points out that Sang Pil’s ultimate take down goal is Judge Cha. Sang Pil says that was a calculated risk Judge Cha took so she could use him to wipe out her enemies.

My Thoughts

Who is using who? The reveal that Judge Cha set everything in motion makes perfect sense. She IS the chess master of this series. Sang Pil realized she lured him to town to extract revenge for her. Can he ever hope to extract revenge against her?

Bong Sang Pil (Lee Joon Gi) realized that Judge Cha is using him. Writer Yoon allowed Sang Pil to see that he was another tool in Judge Cha’s toolbox. It must chafe knowing unwittingly he’s been doing her dirty work. How can he turn things around? What can he do destroy Judge Cha? Sang Pil honored his word to Jae Yi’s mother and pulled back. But when Jae Yi realized her mother was alive, she naturally accused Sang Pil of betrayal. And is she wrong to question Sang Pil using her for his own revenge?

Ha Jae Yi (Seo Ye Ji) learned her mother was alive. The quiet woman that told her call her mama is her mother. Just as Jae Yi realized this, Judge Cha revealed she knew who her masseuse was and had her taken away. Like a wounded animal Jae Yi went to Judge Cha’s office but of course the chess master revealed nothing. Sang Pil arrived and dragged her away. She realized he used her for his revenge. Accordingly Jae Yi declared she couldn’t trust Sang Pil. She searches alone for her mother. Will she realize she must go to Sang Pil for help? Jae Yi’s passion is a double-edged sword.

I rank this episode (on a scale from 1-10) as almost terrific. My episode ranking chart is below.

The fourth song of the OST is “Livin’ in the City” by Pullik is the theme song of the series:

Asian drama fan. I watch and blog dramas on

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Posted in Lawless Lawyer, Recaps
24 comments on “Lawless Lawyer Episode 12 Recap
  1. Beez says:

    Kjt! You go girl! You haven’t said, but I know how busy you must be so while I haven’t read this yet, thank you for coming back to it. 👍😍


  2. Jane Tilly says:

    Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ was a master at staging the attack on her to deflect attention from her scandal and then MILKING IT FOR ALL IT WAS WORTH. Did Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ pay the father of the death row inmate to attack her or just take advantage of his anger?

    Choi Min Soo is MAGNIFICENT portraying Oh Joo 📿 as a nasty antagonist. Oh Joo 📿 becoming more incensed with Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ as she takes his money, his company and now his Golden City project and in the process angered Soon Ja 🐻 as well … did Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ under estimating the power of Oh Joo’s 📿 fury 😡😠😤❓⁉️ I HOPE SO 😏 ((🙏)).

    I concur that Oh Joo’s 📿 interactions with Soon Ja 🐻, Yeon Hee’s mom, are DELIGHTFUL. Color 🖍️ me 🎊surprised🎉 at how much I’m diggin’ this nasty, murderous antagonist, Oh Joo 📿. Could it be that is nothing quite as satisfying as antagonists who end up destroy each each other with infighting 👊💢👊❓⁉️ Is the enemy of my enemy, my friend❓⁉️ Will frenemies Oh Joo 📿 and Soon Ja 🐻 combine forces against Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️❓⁉️

    Poor (😏) Oh Joo 📿 is not having a very good episode … the video the Lawless Lawyer gang obtained was very damning. The other members of “The Seven” seem to be more than happy to lend a hand✋to take Oh Joo 📿 down. Are “The Seven” oblivious to the fact that they are NEXT on Judge Cha’s 👩‍⚖️ hit list❓⁉️ Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ will eliminate ANYONE who could be a stumbling block to her.

    I was NOT PLEASED to see Noble Idiocy creeping up on Sang Pil 💼 👊 as he chose to keep Hyun Joo’s 📷 identity secret from Jae Yi 👊👩 and then started to push Jae Yi 👊👩 away. Jae Yi 👊👩 was ecstatic that her mother was alive, but livid that Sang Pil 💼👊 concealed the information … WE SAW THIS COMING.

    Despite Sang Pil’s 💼👊 warning that he thought Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ was aware of Hyun Joo’s 📷 identity, Hyun Joo 📷 stupidly went back into the judge’s house 🏠 and was promptly busted … I’m not sure Hyun Joo 📷 EVER fooled the judge about her true identity … even if she had initially deceived them, her nervous behavior in the presence of her husband or the judge was a tell.

    I found it interesting that Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ was the one who sent the notebook 📒 to Sang Pil 💼👊 as a means to orchestrate the elimination of her minions that know where the bodies are buried ⚰️. Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ sees EVERYONE as a potential pawn.

    Who knew the theme song has lyrics❓⁉️ The English translation of the lyrics was choppy, but I think I got the vibe – I liked it‼️


    • Did Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ pay the father of the death row inmate to attack her or just take advantage of his anger?
      Judge Cha doesn’t seem like someone that would leave it to chance to create the scenario to get herself out of a bind.

      did Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ under estimating the power of Oh Joo’s 📿 fury 😡😠😤❓⁉️ I HOPE SO
      I can’t believe it but I feel a bit sorry for Oh Joo!

      Are “The Seven” oblivious to the fact that they are NEXT on Judge Cha’s 👩‍⚖️ hit list❓⁉️ Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ will eliminate ANYONE who could be a stumbling block to her.
      So true, the 7 don’t seem to see it though. Of course, no one ever thinks they’ll be the one betrayed.

      I was NOT PLEASED to see Noble Idiocy creeping up on Sang Pil 💼 👊… WE SAW THIS COMING.
      Yes we did. I have to say Writer Yoon did a “mild” Noble Idiocy. It could have been worse. With her mother missing, wont’ Jae Yi 👊👩have to turn to Sang Pil 💼 👊?

      I found it interesting that Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ was the one who sent the notebook 📒 to Sang Pil 💼👊 as a means to orchestrate the elimination of her minions that know where the bodies are buried ⚰️. Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ sees EVERYONE as a potential pawn
      This was the reveal that elevated the episode. I was surprised but not flabbergasted. Glad that Sang Pil figured this out. Now he has to turn the tables on the powerful seemingly impervious Judge Cha.


      • Jane Tilly says:

        “I can’t believe it but I feel a bit sorry for Oh Joo!” -KJT

        It is an intriguing phenomenon … feeling sorry for a known ruthlessly brutal morderer, who stabbed Sang Pil’s 💼👊 mother in front of him and had no compunction about killing the boy if he would have caught him. I’m feeling it too‼️

        Causing viewers to have such conflicted feelings about a such an obvious murdering antagonist is a testament of the brilliance ✨ of the writer for weaving such a complex character as Oh Joo 📿 AND the acting chops of actor Choi Min Soo for believably pulling it off and giving the antagonist Oh Joo 📿 a certain kind of charm. As Justice ⚖️ Jane, I continue to want Oh Joo 📿 to pay the price for his wrong doings, but I am BLOWN AWAY that I feel sympathy for him. I think my sympathic feelings started in the episode when Oh Joo 📿 temporarily allied himself with Sang Pil 💼👊 as they fought side-by-side against the members of uncle Dae Woong’s gang, who had been corrupted by Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️.


        • Causing viewers to have such conflicted feelings about a such an obvious murdering antagonist is a testament of the brilliance ✨ of the writer for weaving such a complex character as Oh Joo 📿 AND the acting chops of actor Choi Min Soo for believably pulling it off and giving the antagonist Oh Joo 📿 a certain kind of charm. As Justice ⚖️ Jane, I continue to want Oh Joo 📿 to pay the price for his wrong doings, but I am BLOWN AWAY that I feel sympathy for him. I think my sympathetic feelings started in the episode when Oh Joo 📿 temporarily allied himself with Sang Pil 💼👊 as they fought side-by-side against the members of uncle Dae Woong’s gang, who had been corrupted by Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️.
          Perfectly put. I concur.


        • Beez says:

          This made me chukle AND I’m in awe that you feel sympathy for Oh joo. I can’t wrap my head around you, Jane Tilly, feeling sympathy for him. Admiration for his hutzpah, yes. His charisma, yes. His physical prowess in a fight. His rockin’ those toe socks. But sympathy because Judge Cha shafted him? No! Let me know if I’ve got it wrong and they’re was something else you felt sympathy for him for? Forgive my hanging propositions but it just sounds right. lol

          Liked by 1 person

          • Jane Tilly says:

            Having a strong, innate sense if justice, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around myself for feeling sympathy for Oh Joo 📿 Beez. Yes, I have “Admiration for his hutzpah…charisma…physical prowess in a fight…[and even]…rockin’ those toe socks.” Could it be that Oh Joo’s 📿 hutzpah et al coupled with the likeability he exhibited fighting side-by-side Sang Pil 💼👊 at the hospital 🏥 and sensing Oh Joo 📿 WILL PAY for murdering Sang Pil’s 💼👊 mom (and hopefully his other crimes) before the end of the series, evoked my sympathy. Ill admit this is a RARE OCCURRENCE that I let Oh Joo 📿, a complex, evil antagonist,who needs to pay for his crimes, get to me. I’ll plead “Temporary Insanity”… MY MIND IS BOGGLED‼️ 😱😵

            Liked by 1 person

      • Beez says:

        I seem to recall Sang pil (or someone) saying Judge Cha is such a master manipulator, not only of people but situations and that she knew the inmate’s dad would be ruled by his emotions and try to take advantage if she stood there at that level with no bodyguards out front. I hate her and admire her evilness (as a character).


        • She is a force to be reckoned with! The tricky bit for Writer Yoon is not to make her invincible. We have to believe Team Good has a chance at winning.


        • Jane Tilly says:

          “I hate her [Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️] and admire her evilness (as a character).”

          See what mean about the writer brilliantly developing complex characters … they (Judge Cha 👩‍⚖️ and Oh Joo 📿) may be vile antagonists, but there are admirable characteristics. Most dramas have villians that are pure evil, with nothing to admire, except for those dramas with devilishly 😈 handsome evil antagonists (Voice 1, Remember: The War if the Sun, Scarlet Heart Ryeo, etc.) that I’ve seen fan girls roots for purely based on their looks. Give me something substantial to admire … but I’ll still hope evil antagonists get justice ⚖️.


          • Beez says:

            @JT-I remember your telling me once about an actor (can’t remember who it was) looking more handsome when he was playing an evil character and I kind of scoffed (just a little bit) but I’m watching Gakastil (aka Bridal Mask) and Cheon Ho-Jin is the bad guy and oh-so-handsome in this. I’ve always thought he was handsome but it’s magnified about a thousand times… so I guess I understand better now. 😑


            • Jane Tilly says:

              Hahaha, it’s weird isn’t it❓⁉️ “welcome to the dark side” … isn’t it you who usually says this❓⁉️

              Liked by 1 person

              • Beez says:

                Yeah. I have a penchant for bad boys who wouldn’t hurt a flea (unless it messed with him first).

                But finding someone’s face more handsome because their bringing out pure evil is a new one for me.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Jane Tilly says:

                  I’m not talking reality, but some actors are more handsome as villians that I’m baffled why I just don’t find appealing when they play nice guys: Hong Jong Hyun as his royal hotness in Scarlet Heart and Nam Goong Min in Remember and Sensory Couple … HOT, HOT, HOT, as nice guys NOT, NOT, NOT. And yet, I would NOT go for a villian.


                  • Beez says:

                    Hong Jong Hyun has a “cruel mouth”. I don’t know if they still describe it that way but that’s how they used to describe his mouth type. I don’t find him attractive at all but I must admit when he came back in Scarlet Heart with that facial hair… szzzzzzzlin’!😛

                    I never, ever find Nam Gongmin attractive. Not even a little bit. You could roll him around in minks and crushed diamonds…and dark chocolate and I’d still pass.


                    • Jane Tilly says:

                      Yup, Scarlet Heart Ryeo was the only time I was attracted to Hong Jong Hyun … those long locks and facial hair. Nam Goong Min has only appealed to me when he was a villian.

                      I consider gorgeous villians a waste of hotness.


                    • Beez says:

                      If you liked Nam Gongmin in Remember, Son’s War, then you should check out The Veteran starting Yoo Ah in. I’ve noticed once something is shown as successful in a movie, then you’ll see it soon after in Kdrama. You can see Nam Goomin’s character was inspired by Yoo Ah in’s portrayal in The Veteran. Nam Goo min was excellent in his role, but Yoo Ah in was excellent and very, very, scary.


                    • I consider gorgeous villains a waste of hotness.
                      Hot 🌶️ villains titillate.


                    • Jane Tilly says:

                      Sounds like an interesting watch. It’s not that I liked Goong Min’s character, he was pure evil but I found him to be devastatingly handsome.


                    • Hong Jong Hyun has a “cruel mouth”.
                      I hadn’t heard that and went to google and looked at a bunch of images. He prefers to take a tough versus soft edge to his pictures, very few with him smiling or looking cute.

                      he came back in Scarlet Heart with that facial hair
                      It was striking and made an impact! The heavy guy liner was dropped too. I think that helped his appeal.


                  • I can’t say that I wouldn’t give into the lure of bad boy. If I wanted to change them, give me shock therapy ⚡ 🤯, to snap me out of that fruitless hope.


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