Revolutionary Love Episode 3 Recap

Revolutionary Love Episode 3

Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won) is thrilled that Baek Joon (Kang So Ra) has arrived to help him. She counters that saying she’s there for the money. She flashes back to her despondent father telling her not to make life decisions for money. The young Baek Joon spies an envelope of the money on the table as her father warns that life throws you curve balls. Then Baek Joon flashes to her mother’s request for $10M. Shaking off her father’s words so she can deal with her mother’s request, Baek Joon says she’ll help if she is paid $5M. Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won) smiles at the paltry sum. Baek Joon worries she’s asked too much. Smiling, Hyuk agrees to the payment IF Baek Joon agrees to stay by his side until he can return home. He offers her a secretary’s salary and a full day of work every day. Again, she hears her father’s words followed by her mother’s request. Baek Joon hesitates, silently tells her father she has no choice and agrees. Kwon Je Hoon (Gong Myung) yells in the phone unsure if they are talking about dating or a business relationship. Baek Joon tells Je Hoon to wait for them at the back entrance. She implores Hyuk to get in the cleaning cart. The police officer watches her exit the room. Je Hoon watches her go down the hall. Baek Joon muscles the cart into the service elevator. Je Hoon scurries down the stairs. The police officer joins Baek Joon in the elevator. He asks Baek Joon to contact him if she sees Hyuk. The police officer sees movement in the cart after Baek Joon exits the elevator. She runs. He pursues her. Je Hoon pulls up just as the officer is about to catch them. Baek Joon and Hyuk jump into the back of the car.

Je Hoon doesn’t like that Hyuk has hired Baek Joon as his personal secretary. She declares she can handle Hyuk’s antics. Je Hoon scoffs. They argue. Hyuk tries to intervene but they order his silence. Je Hoon sees a police car behind them. The chase begins. Under the cover of a bus, Je Hoon lets Baek Joon and Hyuk out of the car. The police officer pulls Je Hoon over. Baek Joon and Hyuk watch the officer from the safety of the bus. Je Hoon opens the trunk at the officer’s request. Je Hoon denies knowledge passengers. Je Hoon’s “never speed” policy lets him avoid a ticket and he drive away leaving the police officer thwarted.

Baek Joon declares she’ll hide Hyuk where no one will look. He’s not happy to end up at the construction site. Baek Joon’s coworkers are impressed that Hyuk returned for another day of labor. He’s dismayed when he spies the pile of bricks. Baek Joon is dismayed when she realizes what she’s done. Je Hoon calls and the assures him all is well and hangs up on him.

Back at the company Gangsu, Hyuk’s brother, Byun Woo Sung (Lee Jae Yoon), asks Je Hoon where Hyuk is. Je Hoon declares that Hyuk has disappeared for the moment using a 3rd party guide. Je Hoon avoids telling Woo Sung who the 3rd party guide is when his assistant tells him it is time to leave for the press conference. Je Hoon calls someone to trace an IP address.

Hyuk “helps” Baek Joon until she tells him to leave her alone. During lunch, Hyuk balks at the meat laden stew but forces himself. He’s surprised when the stew is delicious and eats heartily. He and Baek Joon are surprised to see the Gangsu press conference on the TV.

Woon Sung apologies for not being able to find his brother and vows to turn him in once he’s located. He apologizes on behalf of the company’s employees. The police officer is at the press conference and stares at Je Hoon.

The construction workers voice their opinions about feckless 2nd sons and the rich having all the advantages. Hyuk defends the 2nd son stating his father might have beaten him. The constructor worker asks Hyuk is he’s the missing 2nd son. Hyuk stares. Lunch is cut short when announcement of the CEO’s arrival. Baek Joon tells Hyuk to buck up.

When Je Hoon returns to his desk the police officer is there waiting for him. He asks where Hyuk is. Je Hoon disavows knowledge of Hyuk’s whereabouts. The police officer says that Je Hoon will be a witness. Before he leaves the police officer notes that the message from the press conference, that the employees were shamed by Hyuk’s behavior didn’t add up. Je Hoon agrees the logic was faulty.

Hyuk hears his father’s words to disappear. He relieves the conference room beating. He recalls his brother’s words at the press conference. He recalls Baek Joon’s words. He’s drawn outside on the scaffolding when the CEO visits. The CEO order the site manager redouble his efforts to get the construction done in a timely manner. Hyuk spies a dandelion and reaches for it. Baek Joon defends doing the job right. Hyuk blows on the dandelion. Baek Joon reminds the CEO shoddy construction is against the law. The CEO can’t believe her insolence. The site manager fires her. The CEO has his men grab her to force to exit. Hyuk sees the scuffle and knocks a brick off the scaffolding. The CEO is hit by a rock that ricochets.

Hyuk’s mother gives Je Hoon a credit card for Hyuk to utilize. She thanks Je Hoon for his service. She asks if Hyuk is dating anyone. Je Hoon says he doesn’t know.

Hyuk calls Je Hoon for help. The CEO’s men grab Hyuk. The police arrive. The CEO claims that Hyuk tried to kill him. The construction workers refute his story. Hyuk counters the CEO too. It turns into a he said / she said between the CEO and the construction workers. Hyuk can’t believe the construction workers are arguing on his behalf. The police grab Baek Joon and Hyuk. Baek Joon declares that the CEO ordered the site manager to illegally dispose of waste under the darkness of night. The CEO is livid. Just as he lifts his hand to hit Baek Joon, Je Hoon grabs his hand. He suggests that he speak with the CEO privately.

Je Hoon convinces the CEO to accept the settlement when he correctly surmises that the CEO has created a slush fund of profits for himself.

The police leave. Hyuk explains that knocking the brick off the scaffolding was an accident because he wanted to blow on a dandelion. Baek Joon realizes she’s walking in the shoes of Je Hoon by cleaning up Hyuk’s messes. She tells Hyuk she’s made a mistake by agreeing to help him. She ends their associate and walks away. Je Hoon stops Hyuk from following her. Both men watch her stalk away.

Baek Joon stares at her phone then calls her mother and apologizes that she can’t raise the requested money. She tells her mother not to call her again.

Je Hoon tells Hyuk he is a trouble making magnet. Hyuk says he just wanted to blow on a dandelion. Je Hoon says that innocent action almost cost people their jobs. Hyuk agrees he made a mistake. Je Hoon warns him that Baek Joon may not forgive him. He gives Hyuk the credit card for his mother.  Hyuk smiles realizing he can help Baek Joon with the credit card.

Back at the construction site, Baek Joon and her friends are fired. The site manager says they made the wrong choice siding against the CEO. Baek Joon apologizes to her friends for the ripple effect that her friend caused. They assure her they’ll manage somehow.

Back at Baek Joon’s rooftop Hyuk hangs lights and smiles at the effect.

Baek Joon goes to the CEO and asks that her friends be reinstated. She threatens him with “evidence” she has on her phone. The CEO laughs and says he’ll send Hyuk to jail. The CEO’s men grab Baek Joon’s phone and discern there is no evidence. The CEO says the price of her friends’ jobs is Hyuk’s location. They toss Baek Joon out of the office. She yells her frustration. She recalls the CEO discerning her concern for Hyuk and asking if she was Hyuk’s girlfriend. She apologizes to her friends for the mess she helped create.

Hyuk waits for Baek Joon to arrive.

Baek Joon walks home bummed out by the day’s events.

Hyuk spies her from the rooftop.

Je Hoon asks Baek Joon how much money Baek Joon needs. She tells him she doesn’t want his money because he earns it by being a nursemaid to Hyuk.

Hyuk is there on the rooftop with a chef and an apology. Baek Joon stares at the elaborate preparation. She cries. She yells at Hyuk that her friends got fired because of him. Hyuk listens to her litany with concern. Hyuk gives her envelope for her friends. Baek Joon yells that he can’t solve everything with money. She implores him to return to his world. She rips the envelopes up. She strides to her apartment. Hyuk stares not quit believing that she just told him to leave.

Baek Joon flashes back to thugs threatening her father and giving him money from his former boss to stop his work on the side. A young Baek Joon listens to her father warn her never to make decisions for money or she’ll end up as pitiful as he is. Baek Joon sinks to the floor and cries.

Hyuk stares at Baek Joon’s closed door and remember her telling him to leave.

Je Hoon sits in his apartment and sighs over the day’s events.

Baek Joon flips the credit card and crushes it. He leaves the rooftop.

The next morning Baek Joon finds a note on her door from Hyuk “please call me by my name not rich guy”. Je Hoon dashes to the rooftop and asks where Hyuk is. She shows Je Hoon Hyuk’s note.

Hyuk stride to Gangsu. The reporters spot him.

Flight attendant friend Ha Yeon Hee (Kim Ye Won) dashes to the rooftop and shows Baek Joon the live feed of Hyuk preparing to make a statement to the press. Hyuk thinks it’s time he grows up. Hyuk’s brother closes his eyes in frustration as he watches the television monitor. Baek Joon, Je Hoon, and Yeon Hee stare in shock at the live feed. Hyuk thinks to himself that he wants to become someone that Baek Joon won’t forget. He stares into the camera and smiles.

My Thoughts

Hyuk’s realizes his actions have consequences, thank goodness. We watched another step in the maturation of Hyuk. His was genuinely clueless about the ripple effects of his actions. He didn’t get it until Baek Joon kicked him out of her life and rejected his placating offerings he purchased with his wealth. This is a necessary step and I’m glad to see it this early in the series.

Production and Writing. The scenes were longer but the episode seemed to fly by under the guidance of director Song Hyun Wook. Writer Joo Hyun didn’t let Hyuk stay clueless for long. Well done.

Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won) finally bought a clue about the effects of his actions. He is charming, naïve and irresponsible. For the first time, he realized his actions have consequences and money can’t solve everything. If he has seen the light, then this character can evolve quicker than I imagined.

Kwon Je Hoon (Gong Myung) offended Baek Joon with his offer of money. Je Hoon can’t win for trying. He was plagued this entire episode – from the police officer, to the CEO, to Baek Joon and Hyuk, Je Hoon was reactive not proactive. I hope this character can switch that around as the series progresses. It will make him more interesting.

Baek Joon (Kang So Ra) finally bought a clue about Je Hoon’s challenging being Hyuk’s keepers. She didn’t heed her father’s advice to not make decisions based on money and she lived to regret it. Baek Joon tried blackmailing the CEO to get the jobs back of her friends but he called her bluff. Frustrated she let Hyuk have it on the rooftop. Her tirade of truth affected Hyuk. Baek Joon had a moment when the CEO realized she cared for Hyuk. Did that resonate with her or will she ignore that?

Ranking the episodes (on a scale from 1-10) had me rank this episode as very good.  My episode ranking chart is below.




Asian drama fan. I watch and blog dramas on

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Posted in Revolutionary Love
16 comments on “Revolutionary Love Episode 3 Recap
  1. Beez says:

    All I can think about during his oh-too-brief scenes is “why so fine Lee Jae Yoon?”

    Good recap, as usual, kjt.

    I thought Hyuk had a “WOKE” moment as he watched virtual strangers/co- workers band together on his behalf but then his thinking that spending a bit of money for little luxuries would cure the situation showed he’s not quite out of la-la land yet.

    And while it was dramatic and probably helped Hyuk’s enlightenment, I was concerned that Joon tore up the money Hyuk earmarked for her three co-workers. I mean, he’s rich enough that it could’ve been a nice enough sum to tide them over while they looked for new jobs or maybe even enough to open a fried chicken shop [trope].


    • And while it was dramatic and probably helped Hyuk’s enlightenment, I was concerned that Joon tore up the money Hyuk earmarked for her three co-workers
      Agreed in that moment Joon decided that Hyuk’s money shouldn’t be given to her friends. Her name wasn’t on the envelopes.


    • Jane Tilly says:

      OMO, after great deliberation Joon 🔙 tracked fairly quickly. Joon may have a clue now about how hard Je Hoon works for his 💰 salary. Maybe Dad was right after all. Agreed that Joon’s dramatic destruction of cash 💸 for co-workers aided in Hyuk’s enlightenment 💡. It was refreshing to observe the third generation chaebol to step up to take responsibility for his actions.

      Poor Je Hoon seems to be living Murphy’s law alternating between being the chairman’s errand/whipping boy or being distained by Joon or flight 🛩 attendant Yun Hee for doing his job. Je Hoon can’t 🚫🏆 win for losing. I want to see him change his circumstances so he can feel good about himself.


      • Beez says:

        Hyuk is a prime example of ADHD. My son used to have incidences ALL the time when he was younger for beating up other kids (he’s had a black belt in TKD since he was 10). So much so that during one of many meeting in the principal’s office, after having defended my son’s actions in previous meetings, I turned to my son and said “This is too many times. You really must be starting all these fights!” The other children all piped up “NO! Your son walked away and the other kid jumped on his back!”
        But incidences would happen because my son would not be paying attention (and it was Detroit so…) EXAMPLE: During a basketball game (and I was there and witnessed this), he was squatting down on the sidelines tying his shoe and lost his balance and his hand landed on the shoe of the boy standing next to him. He said “sorry”. But…fight.

        Anyway, I totally get why Hyuk is always embroiled in something unintentionally. But he does need to step up to his responsibility for the consequences his mistakes cause.

        “I want to see [Je Hoon] change his circumstances so he can feel good about himself.” Jane Tilly

        So agree with this. I really want them to reveal his reasons for turning down Joon’s advances because it’s obvious he cares for her.


        • Hyuk’s unintentional consequences are okay. What I mind is his clueless state of the ripple effect. He doesn’t really understand how much Je Hoon must do to clean up his situations. Nor does he understand the strain it put on Je Hoon. Basically their friendship is unequal.


      • I would like him to gain power and become proactive. That is difficult with his current job of babysitting Hyuk.


  2. Beez says:

    OMGoodness! Did you guys see this news about Siwon?

    I feel so bad for the victim and so bad for Siwon as well. I wish he had taken more precautions to keep the dog leashed since this seemed to be an established bad habit.


    • That’s bad parenting on his part.


    • Jane Tilly says:

      The article specified Si Won’s dog was a repeat offender; I’m surprised there hasn’t been a court order to put the dog down, especially since the person died.

      It was good to see the Choi family has been sensitive and apologetic in words and in action by removing pet pics from SNS.


      • Beez says:

        I hate to say it,JT, but I think removing the dog’s pics is more of a defensive action. I read that many of the pictures were of the dog running around in the park and elsewhere while not on a leash. So that would stack more evidence against Siwon and fam that they allowed this all the time despite knowing the dog’s temperament. I don’t fault Siwon himself too much as he just got out of the military (depends on when the other bites happened) and the dog was under the supervision of Siwon’s dad at the time. But the dog has to be put down even if it had been his first time biting someone seeing as the poor woman died. I am praying for her family. How unexpected to have your mom taken out by just riding the elevator in her own apartment building.


        • Good point about the dog being under his family’s care while he was in the military.


        • Jane Tilly says:

          It may very well be defensive, but it still shows some sensitivity towards the victim’s family.

          I love animals, but people are more important in my book. When someone dies from a dog bite, the offending biter needs to not have exposure to people ever again, which means putting the dog down. I also feel bad for the victim’s family; you don’t expect your apartment’s elevator to put your life in jeopardy.

          The dog had a history of biting, although none had been life-threatening, from what I read, why wouldn’t they use a leash in a city of 20 million people? Poorly done Mr Choi (Si Won’s dad), poorly done. 😕


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