Revolutionary Love Episode 4 Recap

Revolutionary Love Episode 4

Standing outside the prosecutor’s building, Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won) faces the reporters. Hyuk’s mother sees the live feed of her son and faints. The 3 fired construction workers and the CEO who though Hyuk was an entry level worker stare at the TV in disbelief. The police officer that pursued Hyuk is surprised. Hyuk tells the reporter that he bears responsibility for the situation. Flight attendant friend Ha Yeon Hee (Kim Ye Won), Baek Joon (Kang So Ra), Kwon Je Hoon (Gong Myung) watch the live feed too. Hyuk walks to the waiting prosecutors and puts himself in their care.

Hyuk’s brother, Byun Woo Sung (Lee Jae Yoon), can’t believe Hyuk turned himself in. The prosecutor calls him.

Je Hoon can’t believe Hyuk turned himself in. He dashes away presumably to head to the prosecutor’s building.

Yeon Hee tells Baek Joon that something happened last night.

The CEO of Gangsu, Hyuk’s father, is confronted by his angry relatives that Hyuk’s actions have made the stock price plummet. Hyuk’s father remember his wife sharing the shaman’s prediction that Hyuk will raise the company up to new heights. He makes a call.

While Hyuk waits in another room, the prosecutor talks to his brother livid that Hyuk is there ruining their agreement to cover up the incident. The prosecutor chides Hyuk’s brother that if he can’t control Hyuk, he’ll never rise to greatness. Woo Sung tells the prosecutor to apply the law unstintingly to his brother. Irked at being told how to do his job, the prosecutor hangs up. Wong Sung hits items off his desk. Just then Je Hoon arrives, bows his head, and apologizes for Hyuk’s unpredictable actions.

Baek Joon recalls Yeon Hee telling her that Hyuk apologized for believing the settlement cash was sufficient. Hyuk bows and apologizes for his actions. Hyuk told Yeon Hee that Baek Joon was the one that made him see the light.

As she hands out smoothies she hears the employees talking about Hyuk and the likelihood that he’ll go to jail. Baek Joon can’t believe the Hyuk turned himself in because of what she told him last night. Baek Joon tells herself that Hyuk’s father will use his influence to get Hyuk released and the charges dropped.

Hyuk’s brother tells Je Hoon that he failed to keep him apprised of Hyuk’s whereabout and activities. Je Hoon resists naming Baek Joon as the person helping Hyuk. Woo Sung wonders if Je Hoon and Hyuk are in cahoots and plotting because Hyuk’s actions are out of character. Je Hoon relents and says the person helping Hyuk is unaware of Hyuk’s identity. Woo Sung says he trusts Je Hoon. He asks if Je Hoon trusts him. Je Hoon recalls his contact telling him that someone from WS’s office leaked information about Hyuk. Je Hoon assures Woo Sun that he trusts him.

Je Hoon struggles with the offer Woo Sung made him – let Hyuk take the punishment and he’ll earn a transfer to a different department and stop being Hyuk’s babysitter.

Hyuk startles the prosecutor and asks when he’ll be interrogated. The prosecutor can’t believe it. Hyuk requests a prison cell with people so he won’t be bored. Je Hoon arrives. The prosecutor hustles him out of the room for a private conversation.

The prosecutor isn’t happy with the conflicting message he’s getting from the brothers – Woo Sung wanted Hyuk to remain a fugitive and Hyuk wants to accept punishment. He demands to know what is going on. Je Hoon tells the prosecutor that Hyuk has gone rogue by turning himself in and the company is willing to let him do so. The prosecutor agrees to go by the book and prosecute Hyuk. He warns Je Hoon he won’t deviate from this path.

Je Hoon finds Hyuk waiting in an interrogation room. Hyuk admits he turned himself in to counter Baek Joon’s opinion that the rich get away with everything. Je Hoon asks if Hyuk has a plan. Hyuk admits he has no plan. Je Hoon tells Hyuk he’ll have to go through with the investigation. The prosecutor enters to begin the interrogation. Hyuk isn’t happy when Je Hoon is told to leave. A gaggle of lawyers enter and announce Hyuk’s father hired them to defend his son. Hyuk and Je Hoon are surprised. The unhappy prosecutor murmurs to Je Hoon prosecuting will be harder now.

Hyuk offers a detailed statement including the background and then the airplane incident. Hyuk admits the flight attendant ripped up the settlement agreement because he put his hands on her chest again. The lawyers cover his mouth. The prosecutor declares Hyuk is a repeat offender. Then Hyuk admits his father told him not to turn himself in. Again, the lawyers freak. The prosecutor declares he could charge Hyuk’s father with obstruction. Hyuk wants to admit to everything. His lawyers invoke the right to remain silent.

The prosecutor tells Je Hoon he’ll have to pretend to do a fair investigation because the case is high profile. He demands Je Hoon tell Hyuk’s father how much work this will be.

Baek Joon recalls Yeon Hee’s admission that she’s nervous to be interviewed by the prosecutor tomorrow.

The next morning Hyuk sees Yeon Hee in the hallway. She tells him she’s there to give a statement. That makes Hyuk nervous.

Je Hoon finds a nervous Hyuk tensed for the news that he’ll have to go to prison based on Yeon Hee’s statement. Je Hoon shares that Yeon Hee said there was turbulence that led to the incident. Hyuk is surprised. Hyuk asks Je Hoon not to share that he has 5 lawyers working for him. Je Hoon can’t believe that Hyuk has done all this for a girl. Hyuk counters that he’s been clear this was all for Baek Joon and she’s worth it.

A confident Hyuk strides out of the building. He starts to answer the questions from the gaggle of reporters but spies Baek Joon and rushes to her. Just as Hyuk is about to bear hug Baek Joon, the company’s men grab him. Je Hoon tells Hyuk not to make a fuss. Hyuk yells for Baek Joon as they carry him away.

Baek Joon ask if Hyuk’s father will beat him for causing a ruckus. Je Hoon says that’s Hyuk’s problem. Baek Joon agrees. Je Hoon asks if Baek Joon cares about Hyuk. She scoffs. He asks why she came. Yeon Hee joins them saying she’s done with the interview. Baek Joon and Yeon Hee walk away. Baek Joon can’t believe the Je Hoon thought she had feelings for spoiled rich Hyuk.

When Baek Joon gets home she sees the remnants of last night’s gesture by Hyuk. She recalls telling him to get lost. She can’t help but admire the roses. She smiles. She wishes him well now that he’s returned to his world.

Baek Joon’s fired coworkers can’t believe the Baek Joon brought Hyuk into their word. Baek Joon apologizes. They decide to approach Hyuk’s father for a reward. Baek Joon isn’t happy with that decision.

Hyuk is brought before his father.  He gets on his knees and apologizes. His father he sent the lawyers to save the company. His father tells Hyuk to live how he wants. He tells Hyuk to leave the family home. He cuts Hyuk off financially. Hyuk can’t believe it. His father tells his men to strip Hyuk. They deposit a naked Hyuk outside the gates. Hyuk’s father declares that anyone that helps Hyuk will be fired. Je Hoon’s father takes pity and throws Hyuk a shopping bag. He warns Hyuk to leave immediately or his father will act against him.

As Hyuk walks down the street strategically positioning the shopping bag we hear the voice over “little did I know, once I left, I could not return.”

As Baek Joon and the fired co-workers approach the neighborhood, they marvel at the grand houses. Baek Joon breaks off to find Hyuk’s house. She runs into the shopping bag clad Hyuk. Needless to say, they are both shocked. They both scream. The fired coworkers pursue Hyuk thinking him an unknown pervert. Hyuk runs. He eventually trips and falls exposing himself as the shopping bag slips to his knees. The fired coworkers are stunned to see the unknown pervert is Hyuk. They can’t believe his father threw him out. Baek Joon brings medicine for the scraps. When Hyuk inquires why they came, Baek Joon distracts them by suggesting they shop for clothes. Hyuk ends up with a garish outfit but his enthusiasm wins the day. Baek Joon has to laugh. They eat together. Once again, Hyuk enthusiasm is winning. He’s touched when they buy him tofu.

Je Hoon is surprised to learn from his father that Hyuk’s father kicked him out of the house, naked and broke.

Hyuk’s mother can’t stop crying. She rails at her husband. Hyuk’s father said he’s giving Hyuk the ability to fly, just like she wanted.

Hyuk’s father asks if Je Hoon to track Hyuk and report to him about Hyuk’s state of mind. Je Hoon recalls Hyuk’s brother trying to understand his father’s game plan. Je Hoon realizes Hyuk’s father and brother want exclusive intel on Hyuk from him.

Hyuk asks Baek Joon if he looked cool on TV. She’s sure he didn’t turn himself in to be cool but rather to do the right thing. When she coolly tells Hyuk she’s got to catch the bus to get to work, he spins her to him. Affected by his touch, she’s miffed when he only wants bus fare.

Je Hoon is surprised when Baek Joon texts him a picture of Hyuk and says he’s back at her place. Je Hoon promises his father he’ll take care of things.

Hyuk is thrilled to back on the rooftop. Yeon Hee comments about Hyuk’s fashion sense. Hyuk thanks Yeon Hee for telling the truth. She admits that she agreed with Baek Joon that she should make the statement. Hyuk is thrilled. Yeon Hee isn’t thrilled when Hyuk handles one of her bras. She’s surprised when Baek Joon’s mother shows up. Away from Baek Joon’s mother Yeon Hee wonders if she’s there for money. This surprises Hyuk. Realizing she just told Hyuk a secret, they agree to keep the bra touching secret too.

Baek Joon sighs when she gets the text from Yeon Hee that her mother is at the apartment.

She enters the apartment ready for a request for money. She finds her mother has stocked her fridge. She tells her mother she doesn’t have the money. Her mother claims that isn’t the point of the visit. Baek Joon calls her a brazen liar who only takes. Her mother tells her to eat her supper. Upset, Baek Joon says she doesn’t have the money. Her mother claims she understands.

Je Hoon takes Hyuk to his apartment. He asks why Hyuk was lurking outside Baek Joon’s apartment. Hyuk asks if Je Hoon has $10M. He says Baek Joon’s mother is with her. Je Hoon reminds Hyuk he’s got other things to worry about. Hyuk is sure his mother will break his father’s resolve in a couple of days’ time. Je Hoon says it will be longer than that. Je Hoon tells Hyuk to find a way to get the money himself.

While her mother sleeps, Baek Joon studies her bank book and considers giving her mother the money. Her mother smiles knowing she’s broken Baek Joon’s resolve.

Hyuk can’t believe his mother won’t give him $10M. She tells him he’s truly cut off. Hyuk call his younger sister who refuses to help him. Hyuk rails at Je Hoon that no one will give him a measly $10M. Je Hoon tells him $10M isn’t measly to most people. Je Hoon leaves. When Hyuk gets a text from his former girlfriend he considers getting the $10M from her.

To that end, Hyuk meets his former girlfriend. They both feign warmth for each other. Hyuk asks her for $10M. She acts offended at his bluntness. He reminds her she’s fooling around with his friend. Hyuk notices her bag, one that he bought her. He suggests she give him the bag in leu of the $10M. They tussle for the bag. She wins and leaves.

Baek Joon’s mother stares at the picture of Baek Joon and her father.

Baek Joon empties her bank account for her mother.

Hyuk asks his brother for $10M. He admits he needs it for a girl he likes, so she’ll stop being sad.

Baek Joon returns to an empty apartment; her mother is gone. She read the note her mother left stating the young man downstairs gave her the money that Baek Joon wanted her to have. Upset, Baek Joon calls her mother but she doesn’t pick up.

Upset, Baek Joon makes her way to Je Hoon’s apartment. She barges in and hits Hyuk who is stunned. She tells Hyuk that he hasn’t changed like he claims. Hyuk doesn’t understand why she’s upset. Baek Joon declares she never wants to see him again. Hyuk wonders what to do now.

My Thoughts

Hyuk’s focus is Baek Joon and doesn’t see his actions because of her have consequences. We watched Hyuk turn his focus from himself to Baek Joon. Now he’s willing to pursue her happiness with a single-minded focus he once reserved for himself. Is this progress or a step backwards?

Production and Writing. Writer Joo Hyun offered plenty of camp with the shopping bag scene that director Song Hyun Wook produced to perfection. I love Writer Joo’s balance of campy fun with the underlying struggles of the characters.

Byun Hyuk (Choi Si Won) wants to make Baek Joon happy, not sad, but it isn’t as easy as expected. Hyuk continues to be charming, naïve and irresponsible. His evolution won’t be overnight, which makes sense we are only 25% through this series. Several perfectly played comedic moments from Si Won; two come to mind his admission that his father told him to hide from the law and the shopping bag scene.

Kwon Je Hoon (Gong Myung) pledged loyalty to Hyuk’s brother and father. I wanted Je Hoon to have more to do than babysit Hyuk. No inkling of any interest in Yeon Hee, which makes sense. Je Hoon’s focus is making Baek Joon happy, though he is subtle about his actions.

Baek Joon (Kang So Ra) got played by her mother for the money and wasn’t happy to learn Hyuk (she assumes) gave her mother the money instead. She knew her mother came to see her for the money. Even with that certainty she caved and emptied her bank account for her mother. While her mother played her, there was a certain amount of warmth for her daughter, it wasn’t as cold blooded as I expected. Is Baek Joon right? Did Hyuk give her the money? We saw Hyuk’s mother and sister refuse to help him for fear of consequences. Wouldn’t Hyuk’s brother made the same choice?

Ranking the episodes (on a scale from 1-10) had me rank this episode as very good.  My episode ranking chart is below.

The second song Revolutionary Love OST part 2 is a lovely ballad “LOVE U” by Younha:

Asian drama fan. I watch and blog dramas on

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Posted in Revolutionary Love
4 comments on “Revolutionary Love Episode 4 Recap
  1. Beez says:

    When Hyuk was finger writing on the inside of the car window all I could do was laugh and think he’s the biggest goof ball.

    I’m curious as to Joon’s detailed thoughts about Hyuk giving her mom that money. Is her anger because 1) she knew her mom would split as soon as she got the money; 2) she wants to teach her mom a lesson by not giving her the money so her mom can stop counting on Joon to bail her out, or 3) prode or some other reason?

    BTW, who is it that Joon’s mom said got injured so she needed the money?


  2. Jane Tilly says:

    Si Won is Master of Goofiness‼. There were great comedic moments throughout this episode‼

    OMO, I could hardly believe Hyuk’s dad put him out of the house 🏠 NAKED, without skivvies‼. Did dad wants him arrested 🚔 again⁉ I find it ironic that the man with EVERYTHING, chairman Byun, threw his son out of the house with literally NOTHING. The shopping bag with eyes 👀, that Je Hoon’s dad gave was a great source of hilarity, I found myself laughing 😅 out loud. I was amused as Hyuk waxed poetically about his circumstances as he tread down the neighborhood 🛣 road, clad only in a shopping 🛍 bag. Then I cringed when Hyuk lost the bag 🚫🛍 while falling down … I can only imagine his pain from the road rash … YIKES‼ Then the people with next to nothing, who lost their jobs due to Hyuk’s actions, fed and clothed Hyuk. What a HIDEOUS outfit Hyuk selected, especially after he was talking about elegance. HAH‼

    At least chairman Byun wants to keep tabs on Hyuk, which brings me Je Hoon’s 😯 delimma. Je Hoon promised both the chairman and Hyuk’s hyung he would report on Hyuk to them – those requests ARE mutually exclusive. Whose 🤔 request will Je Hoon honor⁉

    Beez I didn’t catch why Joon’s mom needed the 💰. Has Joon’s dad passed away or is he in some care facility⁉ I wonder if Joon was angry 😣 about money from Hyuk because she would be obligated to pay back the $10,000 as she knows her mother is neither able or willing to repay. Joon was willing to close out her savings account and give her mom the $3,000 in it. Maybe she simply did not want to owe anyone any money 💰. Lack of money can be stressful for those employeed full time, I remember times when I was on my own working temporary and/or part-time jobs … You hope you have enough work to put a roof over your head.


    • Beez says:

      Yup. I been there – pay check to post check. Never want to go back, thank the Lord.

      I heard the mom say [somebody] got injured when she first asked for the money but I didn’t know who that was. I skimmed Dramabeans to see if they had the answer and they say it’s the mom’s son, Joon’s half brother. I don’t know if they can tell that because the blogger may speak Korean or if they looked up the character’s name on AsianWiki.

      The mom is shameless about it though.


    • OMO, I could hardly believe Hyuk’s dad put him out of the house 🏠 NAKED, without skivvies‼
      That was a surprise and a well acted/produced scene.

      Je Hoon promised both the chairman and Hyuk’s hyung he would report on Hyuk to them – those requests ARE mutually exclusive
      Good point. Je Hoon is burning the candle 🕯️ at both ends.


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