Would I Date Him? Come Back Mister

This week I ponder “Would I Date Him?” for the series Come Back Mister

Our candidate:  Young Soo portrayed by Rain from the series Come Back Mister. Full disclosure, I am a Rain fan. I watch his dramas. I enjoy his dramas. I enjoyed Rain in this drama. But we are here to examine the character Young Soo, not Rain.

His Background: Young is a soul on a 2 month sojourn from heaven to resolve issues his unexpected death caused his family. The wrinkle is that he’s in a new body and no one can find out he’s inhabiting the body.


Young Soo in Two Bodies: Before: Kim In Kwon, After: Rain

Pluses: New hot body, fun loving, cares deeply for his family, loyal friend. He gave his support and protection to the other soul on sojourn, Gi Tak.

Minuses: Single minded goal to clear his name even if his wife was hurt in the process. Romanced his wife, a new widow, to determine if she ever loved her husband. This demonstrated a lack of trust and faith in his wife.

Would I date him? Yes – but it would be a brief relationship as he only has 2 months on earth. I thought I’d say no based on his initial single mindedness and lack of trust, but in the second half of the series, Young Soo blossomed into a character that put other’s needs first. That turned the tide.

Asian drama fan. I watch and blog dramas on https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/.

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One comment on “Would I Date Him? Come Back Mister
  1. Jane Tilly says:


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May 2016

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