Divorce Lawyers Episode 17 Recap

Our couple is hanging out together and asking advice from each other. The ex-wife forgives her boyfriend. The “fake but real” divorce ex-wife’s stream of hate now includes paint.

Episode 17 Highlights:

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Hai Dong’s ex-wife mentions the swim suit she is wearing at the pool from her Hawaiian vacation with Hai Dong. The boyfriend gets livid, pulls her into the pool, and pushes her underwater several times. At home the boyfriend apologizes but she isn’t ready to hear it.

The “fake but real” divorce husband cajoles his girlfriend not to sue his ex-wife for the invasion of privacy she has perputrated against her. The girlfriend agrees IF he puts an engagement ring on her finger. Guess what? She’s prepared for the moment. She brings out the engagement ring she bought herself. He puts the ring on her finger. When they attend a public event as a couple, the ex-wife throws paint on the girlfriend. Yikes!  The husband tries to reason with his ex-wife but she is riding the wave of righteous indignation.

Next morning Hai Dong’s ex-wife awakes and finds her boyfriend on the porch cold and repentant. She forgives him. She promise to throw away all the clothes Hai Dong gave her.

Our leading man, Chi Hai Dong, is at a movie with our leading lady’s, Luo Li. Hai Dong’s friend (married with a pregnant wife) enters the theatre with another woman. Luo Li is upset and wants to confront him. Hai Dong talks her into staying calm. She calls to the friend and he turns when he hears his name. He texts Hai Dong pleading for him to be quiet.

Later at the apartment Luo Li complains that Hai Dong’s friend is seeing another woman while his pregnant wife is at home. Hai Dong says they don’t know the whole story so they should not jump to conclusions. Hai Dong’s ex-wife knocks at the door interrupting their conversation. Hai Dong shushes Luo Li. She doesn’t understand why they need to be quiet. He tells her if they his ex-wife in she may trash his place. Luo Li buys that clue that the ex-wife trashed Luo Li’s place not Hai Dong as he claimed. The ex-wife slides an envelope under the door. It contains a note for Luo Li telling her she trashed to place because she felt like Luo Li took her divorce case so she could win Hai Dong for herself. It also contains a check to replace the contents of the apartment she trashed. Hai Dong insists the check be given to him as he has paid for the restoration of her apartment. Luo Li pretends she won’t give him the check and it ends up getting torn. Hai Dong likes his money and doesn’t want to spend it. A chance to be reimbursed is serious business for him! They really are starting to act like a couple, maybe an old married couple. Don’t skip the romance!

Luo Li visits her former partner and pregnant wife to Hai Dong’s friend. She elects not to reveal anything to the pregnant wife. When the husband walks her outside she tells him that he better not be cheating on his wife. He assures he is not.

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He meets the wine bar owner and fellow movie goer outside the apartment. She gives him a thick envelope of money. She tells him if he continues to be unable to find a job he can work at her wine bar. He thanks her for her help. She goes to hug him but he pushes her back. Little does he know that his wife gets a message that her husband is acting inappropriate with another woman outside the apartment. She thinks the other woman is Luo Li.

Luo Li takes acting lessons but is dreadfully stiff. Hai Dong sympathizes that she is awful.

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The baby is born! Mother and Father are ecstatic.

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Luo Li moves back into her apartment. Hai Dong gets her a book on acting for a house warming gift. The knock off bed smells funny. When Luo Li jumps on the bed with joy, it breaks! Hai Dong promises to buy her another.

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Hai Dong visits the new family and they ask him to be godfather. Kinda cute the way his friend won’t let him hold the baby because he hands are dirty. They tell him they will ask Luo Li to be the godmother. That was a really sweet scene!

* Our leading man, Chi Hai Dong (Wu Xiu Bo), is hitting his stride being fun and likable. His friendship with Luo Li is believable and fun to watch.
* Our leading lady, Luo Li (Yao Chen), was indignant when her friend’s husband was stepping out on his wife. She was sassy when she refused to hand over the check. She valued Hai Dong’s opinion when she asked Hai Dong if she should take the case of another woman. I like this pairing!
I am not overly fond of Hai Dong’s ex-wife, and was a bit surprised she forgave her boyfriend so quickly. Being alone outweighs being mistreated?
* The next divorce case had more movement as the ex-wife threw paint on her ex-husbands lover. She’s not going quietly!

Asian drama fan. I watch and blog dramas on https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/.

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Posted in Cdrama, Divorce Laywers, Recaps

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